About Me

I feel it is necessary to tell you, gentle reader, a little about myself and how I review books.

I am a happily married mom of three children (one daughter, two sons), five dogs, and one very eccentric cat! I am a high school history teacher and I like my job, but reading is my guilty pleasure! I am blessed to have a great friend who is an Assistant Director of a large library in my area. It was Angie who introduced me to Netgalley and she is kind enough to share her Edelweiss account with me and keep me in hard copy ARCs. I love ARCs (Advanced Reader's Copies). I have absolutely no patience and when I manage to get an ARC of something I'm dieing to read I thank God than do a little happy dance and block out my time to read (I have two sons 15 and 11 so time must be blocked out). The Eternity Cure (the review I just posted) is a prime example of this...thanked God, did my dance, and read it in two days!

Another important thing, gentle reader, that you should know is that I am the queen of spoilers. I read the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows first because my nerves couldn't take worrying about Harry through the whole book (no patience, remember;-)). I read the end of a book first almost every time I pick one up. Therefore, in my reviews, I will always post the words "SPOILER ALERT" at the beginning of any review I feel might be spoilerish. Read it if you don't mind being spoiled. Skip it if you do.

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In my life, books come in three forms, hard copy, kindle, and audible. Some books MUST be read in hard copy and I have no reason for this except that they just must be. Kindle books are the best for habitual readers like me (they take up less room). AND then we have audiobooks. I know most book blogs are almost exclusively hard copy or kindle. My blog is different is this aspect. I absolutely LOVE audiobooks!! If I go to the trouble of buying the audio version, I definitely love that book. They also add a different quality to the story by giving the characters voices. I am a true die hard Harry Potter fan but it wasn't until I listened to the UK version of the audiobooks that the books truly came alive for me. If you've never listened to an audiobook, pick your favorite book and give it a try. You won't regret it!

Feel free to comment or email me. I try to respond within 24 hours.

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